A civ of ice and fire
A civ of ice and fire

The clear historical influence for this war is the Thirty Years War, a prolonged religious and political war fought mostly in Germany at the beginning of the 17th century. The War of the Five Kings is the principal military conflict depicted in the first three novels of the Song of Ice and Fire series, and its aftermath and successor conflicts continue in the latest two novels. House Tully remained closely allied to House Stark throughout the conflict. The powerful House Tyrell first declared themselves to Renly, then to Joffrey. It is notable that House Arryn and House Martell both remained neutral in the war, and took no part in the fighting. As the name implies, at one time during the war five people claimed the title of king: Joffrey, Stannis and Renly Baratheon all claimed the Iron Throne of Westeros, whilst Robb Stark claimed the title of King in the North and Balon Greyjoy claimed the title of King of the Iron Islands. The War of the Five Kings was a large, multi-theatre war fought for control of the Iron Throne of Westeros. Notable commanders King Joffrey Baratheon

a civ of ice and fire

Undecided Belligerents Iron Throne House Baratheon of King's Landing

A civ of ice and fire