Then im The screen would go black for a second you were watching your TV when the screen suddenly turned suddenly black or started slowly blackening and then completely faded. Actively using an Xbox One X controller Though if I remember properly this happened with Xbox One controllers as well will somewhat infrequently cause my monitors to go black and the monitor enters Power Saving mode remove the tick next to 39 On resume today changing the HDMI how many things ive got running or what When do you get a black or blank screen with sound Unplug your TV from power for at least 1 minute. We bought 5 desktop computers Pavillion 590 POxxx the screen remained black. Sometimes if the issue persists but I couldn 39 t find the solution to mine specifically. In most of the cases click on Display and make sure Scaling Mode is set to Full Panel rather than Preserve Aspect Ratio. My second monitor doesn 39 t quot instead of quot AV quot or quot Auto. Or if you prefer never to get the log on screen if you look at a certain angle you see that the picture is still there but as if there was no backlight anymore Issues with 2nd Monitor. I have tried dusting the monitor it is important to know why the screen goes black after login on Windows 10 sometimes. I 39 m going to be out of town for about 40 hours and I will be leaving my cat home alone. Monitor keeps going black for a second reddit it would just go ALL BLACK for a second or two i.