Mount and blade warband track down bandits
Mount and blade warband track down bandits

Take that money to Curow and buy a lot of Iron cheaply (less than 100 denars). So you can use that money as start up funds for yourself. Look for noble lords and keep trying to take quests from them, until you get the quest "Collect some taxes for me." The thing about this quest is that although you have a time limit of 30 days to get around to collecting the taxes, there is NO time limit to actually returning that money to the lord in question.

mount and blade warband track down bandits

The best way to make lots of money at the start of the game is this trick.

mount and blade warband track down bandits

Recommend you start in Swadian or Vaegir territory for an easier game. Click to expand.The Sultanate and the Khanate are probably the hardest areas to start in, all the bandits are mounted and tough.

Mount and blade warband track down bandits