It took an individual of great power (such as Gandalf or Glorfindel) to take down a Balrog.

This means that Sauron has won the war, as a single Balrog would annihilate a city on its own. Let's say for the sake of argument that a Balrog did join Sauron. The Balrogs serve Morgoth, which means that they would likely tell Sauron where he could stick his job offer. This doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons. It is revealed in Shadow of War that Sauron has a Balrog acting as one of his generals. The Balrogs of old weren't as powerful as he was, which is why they died. The problem with this is that Durin's Bane (the Balrog of Moria) is said to be the last of his kind in Middle-Earth. We see a lot of the Balrog in the Lord of the Rings games, as it is too good not to include. The Balrog is one of the most awesome parts of The Lord of the Rings. It is a giant fire demon that takes on the mighty Gandalf in a mano-a-mano fight. There are story spoilers for Middle-Earth: Shadow of War ahead! 10 Celebrimbor's New Ring Would Fall Under Sauron's Control Here are Ten Huge Ways That Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Changes The Books! From the reason why the whole purpose of the game is destined to fail, to one of the most pointless and distracting character changes in history. We are here today to look at the biggest changes to the lore of The Lord of the Rings that are created by Shadow of War. The game ends with Talion and Celebrimbor promising to forge a new ring that was strong enough to challenge Sauron. Shadow of Mordor ran wild with the continuity of Lord of the Ringsby revealing that the main character was bound to the spirit of Celebrimbor, the Elf who taught Sauron how to forge rings. The first game in the series was an entertaining fantasy equivalent to Assassin's Creed, which had the interesting Nemesis System, where you battled against a hierarchy of powerful orcs who would become stronger if they killed you. This could only mean one thing - Middle-Earth: Shadow of War was finally released on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Tolkien spinning in his grave like a Beyblade. On October 10th, a strange sound could be heard emanating from the city of Oxford in England.